A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.

29 December 2014 • 21:07:07 MST

Conservative reader makes Flathead Memo’s day

An old verity — when the subject is controversial, the speaker should supply the facts and the audience should supply the indignation — governs my approach to reporting and discussing the issues. Too many adjectives usurp the reader’s prerogative to draw his own conclusions. Insults dishonor the human rights of readers and subjects. Profanity — an occasional hell or damn excepted — offends, and gratuitously; and as my grandfather used to say, is the effort of a weak mind to express itself forcefully. I don’t always abide by those principles perfectly, but I try to.

That’s why I was very pleased this morning to receive the note below from a well respected resident of the Flathead whose politics are far more conservative than mine. I’m withholding his name because I think publishing it might invite some readers to conclude that he’s endorsing Flathead Memo. He wonders whether I remember him. I do. I thank him for his generous comments, and for taking the time to express them.

James, not sure you would remember me from my … days … but I would like to wish you a Happy New Year. I try to avoid politics as much as possible, however when I need to take a stand I do and tend to communicate that. I occasionally take a read on your blog site and enjoy your perspective even though my quite conservative politics often disagree.

Mostly, James, I really just wanted to let you know I appreciate how you communicate and how you have not let yourself fall to the depths of antagonizing and downright appalling behavior trying to make a point like so many in the blog and response world do (both sides of the aisle). While we may not agree on some things I have never doubted your passion in what you do and I know where you stand — that is admirable in anybody.