Serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis. © James Conner.


26 January 2014

Recommended Sunday reads

Paul Valley: “What would John Wayne do?”

That’s what Bigfork’s favorite retired army two-star suggested that a tea party gathering in South Carolina employ as a guiding principle, reports Mary Claire Kendall at Ed Berry’s PolyMontana website. The Duke, who helped fund George Wallace’s 1968 campaign for President, would, of course, make a movie of the Green Berets genre. Lights, camera, fiction.

On the right

I’ve expanded Flathead Memo’s blogroll with a few links to conservative leaning websites. One is Tim Baldwin’s Liberty Defense League. Tim is the conservative half of the Flathead Beacon’s Two for Thought feature, which this week looked at the future of the tea party. After reading the essays by Tim and Joe, you’ll want to visit the Democracy Journal to read Theda Skocpol’s Why the Tea Party’s Hold Persists.

Paranoia of the superrich

Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo posted a perceptive essay analyzing venture capitalist Tom Perkins’ crazy assertion that criticism of the one percent and income inequality is tantamount to the terrorism of the Kristallnacht in 1938. Perkins and his ilk believe their wealth entitles them not to be criticized, especially by the ne’er do wells who fail to accumulate as much money as they do, a dangerous notion given the vast political power their wealth can buy.

Flathead global warming debate

At the Daily InterLake, there’s yet another exchange of long opeds on global warming — the last such exchange for a while as editor Frank Miele’s patience with this seemingly endless debate has finally expired. My advice: read Jerry Elwood’s essay first, then quaff a double Wild Turkey before braving the screeds by Ed Berry and Pamela McCormick. My view on global warming? It’s still January and my lawn is greening. That’s not evidence of a cooling trend.