Serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis. © James Conner.


28 June 2014

National GOP thinks Montana registers Republican voters

I know: we have an open primary and do not require a declaration of party affiliation as a condition of registering to vote. But the fund raising crew at the Republican National Committee didn’t let that fact get in the way of sending me a letter (PDF) that begins:


This is what happens when there’s inept quality control. A direct mail specialist reckoned people would respond to a “Please come back, we need you,” pitch. My name was on a list, probably a list of people who once had requested information. Someone else assumed Montana required registration by party. No one checked with Montana’s Secretary of State. Because all involved knew they were right, they trusted instead of verifying — and I received this proof that Republicans and the facts aren’t always in close touch with each other.