A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.

15 November 2015

ISIS: it can be contained, but not defeated

But a Presidential candidate who says something so sensible will be defeated.

Remember John Kerry’s comment in 2004 that successfully dealing with terrorism required reducing it to the level of a nuisance? He was right, but that wasn’t what Americans wanted to hear. They wanted an end to terrorism, for it to be wiped out once and for all. They wanted (and still want) to be perfectly safe — so when Kerry told them that wasn’t possible, but that they could be reasonably safe, they turned George W. Bush, the man who promised perfect safety.

That’s what led to this exchange (transcript) at last night’s Democratic debate in Iowa:

Dickerson: All right, thank you, Governor. Thank all of you.

The terror attacks last night underscore biggest challenge facing the next president of the United States. At a time of crisis, the country and the world look to the president for leadership and for answers.

So, Secretary Clinton, I’d like to start with you. Hours before the attacks, President Obama said, “I don’t think ISIS is gaining strength.” Seventy-two percent of Americans think the fight against ISIS is going badly. Won’t the legacy of this administration, which is-- which you were a part of, won’t that legacy be that it underestimated the threat from ISIS?

Clinton: Well, John, I think that we have to look at ISIS as the leading threat of an international terror network. It cannot be contained, it must be defeated.

That’s what people want to hear. So, that’s what they’ll hear from Hillary.

But it’s nonsense. As Bernie Sanders reminded everyone, the leaders of ISIS are religious lunatics who want to turn the calendar back a thousand years. They may be so crazy that they burn themselves up. Let’s hope they do. But because ISIS is an idea and movement as well an organization, it cannot be pounded into submission by military might; not by the most powerful nation in Christendom, not by the Muslim nations in the Middle East.

But ISIS can be contained, and the damage it does outside its borders minimized, through the judicious application of military, economic, social, and religious force.

Unfortunately, not one candidate for President, Republican or Democrat, has the courage to tell the voters that truth. The voters want perfect safety. And the politicians want to win the election.