A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.

23 September 2015

Brad Johnson makes his campaign for governor official


Brad Johnson, currently representing Distict 5 on Montana’s Public Service Commission, and a former Montana secretary of state, announced today that yes indeed, he’s running for governor.

That’s hardly news. Back on 23 June, he filed his C-1 Statement of Candidate form with Montana’s Commissioner of Political Practices, announcing he was running for governor on an exploratory basis. He immediately launched www.bradformontana.com, a full-fledged campaign website that does not contain the word “exploratory.”

An aside. Exploratory candidacies are farces that ought not be permitted. One is a candidate or one is not. Let the filing for the next election begin the day after the statutorily required date for completing the official canvass for the last election. If candidates want to raise money, they can file then or any time thereafter until the cutoff date that’s necessary to provide time to prepare the ballots.

Johnson has run for so many offices that he’s open to accusations of being a chronic candidate. But he’s also won a major statewide office and a major regional office. Just as important, he knows how to campaign. He may be too moderate to be nominated, but he might be a better general election candidate than political tyro Greg Gianforte. But I doubt Johnson can beat Steve Bullock, who’s been a good governor and who’s liked by Montanans.