A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.

2 November 2016

Gianforte becomes one of the biggest self-spenders ever

Bozeman businessman, right wing philanthropist, and Republican gubernatorial hopeful, Greg Gianforte just wrote his campaign another check for five hundred grand, bringing his self-funding total to $5.8 million. On a per registered voter basis, that puts him right up there with Meg Whitman, who burned $144 million of her own bankroll trying to beat Jerry Brown in 2010.


The only other politician I can think of who may have spent as much or more per registered voter is former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Gianforte must think Montana voters have a For Sale sign out. After the election, if he looks closer, I think he’ll find that the sign actually read For Shame.

But sale or shame, $5.8 is a whale of a lot of money. So, Big Spender Gianforte, this song’s for you: